April 2023: I recompiled the webpage with R 4.2.3.

March 2021: I did some spring cleaning, and added a topic on regularized regression: Ridge regression.

2 General

This website is for hosting material related to Bayesian modeling, Generalised Additive Models (GAMs), the statistical tool R-INLA, the SPDE approach, and my own research.

The website was recently moved from Bitbucket to Github (Dec 2019). This was mainly because Bitbucket support is ending for hg, and I like Githubs git interface.

3 Warning on R versions

I recently updated to R 4.0, and had to change some of the scripts because of this.

4 The .R files

In any BTopic, go to the web-page address (e.g. command+l), replace the .html with .R, and this should give the same R file. It is a lot easier to get the code this way than to copy-paste line by line!

5 What can you use this webpage for?

I get questions like: Can I use this for

  • Teaching?
  • Send it to others?
  • As a basis for my own code?
  • Include code in my presentations?

The answers to all of these is “yes”. Please add an acknowledgement of this webpage when you do so.

If you are inspired to do research based on some of the ideas you see here, I would be happy to hear from you.

6 Online / Offline use and older versions

The online webpage is at [https://haakonbakkagit.github.io/].

To use this webpage offline, download the github repository at [https://github.com/haakonbakkagit/haakonbakkagit.github.io], open the folder and click on index.html.

Note that when you are offline, the mathematical symbols may not show correctly, due to weird MathJax things I do not understand. But if you are online, your local copy of the webpage will work correctly.

To find older versions of the code for any reason, use the same link and look through the history of the repo.

7 Philosophy (of this website)

The explanations in this website are focused on pictures and computer code. The text on the website is informal, trying to paint a picture and give the right notions, ideas and intuition. If you want rigorous mathematics, see the papers that are referenced. The goal of a paper is usually to be precise and impressive, but the goal of these pages is to make things look simple and to speak to your intuition. However, I have made an exception to this when it comes to the mathematical description of the model itself, as developing the capacity to translate between the mathematics and the code for the model is very important. In the hope that more people become confident with defining your models in mathematical language, I have started adding in the mathematical definition of models.

Why am I using html and not pdf? Because I want to use hyperlinks! I want you to be able to open new tabs, and use the “back” arrow in your browser. To open a figure in a new tab (and you can look at two figures side by side in two windows). I want to integrate other websites and content, e.g. youtube videos.

8 Plan

I try to maintain this webpage by adding some pages and recompiling it every year.