1 About

1.1 The R package NBPclassify

See Btopic136 for a short description, and how to install the package.

1.2 The fishscaled data from NBPclassify

See documentation in the package:


1.3 This tutorial

See ?Fish_scale_elements_fvf for a description of the dataset.

This is a classification problem, where we want to classify escaped fish to a location, where the fish was farmed before it escaped.

We show how to use the NBPclassify package.

1.3.1 Dependencies


2 Data

dfa = Fish_scale_elements_svf
# or 
# dfa = Fish_scale_elements_fvf
dfa[1:2, ]
##   Location Id_fish Id_scale Is_escape     Li7 B11 Ba137 U238 Mg24 S32
## 1        D       1        1     FALSE -0.0014 3.3   1.1 -1.8  8.9   9
## 2        D       1        2     FALSE -0.2336  NA   2.1 -1.9  8.7  NA
##   Mn55 Zn66 Sr88
## 1  5.3  5.2  7.4
## 2  5.2  5.6   NA

2.1 Example covariate

hist(dfa$Ba137, breaks=200)
abline(v=log(1.1/2), col="blue")

The data looks Gaussian, except for a spike at the left and a heavy tail at the right. The spike at the left is becasue of the minimum detection value, see ?Fish_scale_elements_fvf, and we drew a blue line to highlight this.

We will ignore both issues for the rest of this tutorial.

3 Predictions for the escaped

3.1 Run model

train_cov = dfa[!dfa$Is_escape, -c(1:4)]
train_class = dfa[!dfa$Is_escape, "Location"]
predict_cov = dfa[dfa$Is_escape, -c(1:4)]
pred_ident = dfa[dfa$Is_escape, c("Id_fish", "Id_scale")]

nbp = NBP_classify(train_cov = train_cov,
                   train_class = train_class,
                   predict_cov = predict_cov,
                   identifiers = pred_ident)
## 'data.frame':    39420 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ Id_fish  : num  1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ Id_scale : num  1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ...
##  $ nbp_class: chr  "D" "D" "D" "D" ...
##  $ covariate: chr  "Li7" "Li7" "Li7" "Li7" ...
##  $ p_val    : num  0.299 0.299 0.844 0.862 0.49 ...
##  $ logdens  : num  0.282 0.281 0.801 0.806 0.582 ...
##    A    D    M    T 
## 9855 9855 9855 9855
ids = c(0:3)*nrow(predict_cov)*ncol(predict_cov)+1
nbp[ids, ]
##      Id_fish Id_scale nbp_class covariate  p_val logdens
## 233        1        1         D       Li7 0.2992    0.28
## 2331       1        1         A       Li7 0.0018   -4.40
## 2332       1        1         M       Li7 0.4042    0.64
## 2333       1        1         T       Li7 0.0937   -0.87

3.2 Aggregation

p_val = nbp$p_val
by = nbp[, c("Id_fish", "nbp_class", "covariate"), drop=F]
by = nbp[, c("Id_fish", "nbp_class"), drop=F]
agg = aggregate(p_val, by = by, FUN=NBP_aggregate_fischer)
##   Id_fish nbp_class       x
## 1       1         A 9.0e-10
## 2       2         A 4.0e-07
## 3       3         A 1.1e-11
## 4       4         A 7.8e-16
## 5       5         A 0.0e+00
## 6       6         A 2.1e-06

Note: There is an helper function that does this for you ?NBP_aggregate_p_values. But maybe you prefer dplyr or other aggregation functions!

4 Summaries

There are many ways to summarize the p-values and predictions. We give a few here to give you an idea. But in general, we recommend thinking about how to summarize and aggregate the p-values for your application and decision making process.

4.1 Summarize with categories

We use the aggregated p-values, and a cutoff function, to create 0/1 results. What we in Btopic136 and the paper refer to as W.

agg2 = NBP_pred_categories(agg)
## Warning in NBP_pred_categories(agg): One of your columns is an integer column.
##             Make sure that you want to threshold this one!
##             If not, use as.character on it before calling this function.

We convert the integer column to character, because it is an ID column:

agg$Id_fish = as.character(agg$Id_fish)
agg12 = NBP_pred_categories(agg)

And then the warning has disappeared.

##   Id_fish nbp_class x
## 1       1         A 0
## 2       2         A 0
## 3       3         A 0
## 4       4         A 0
## 5       5         A 0
## 6       6         A 0

We can sum this up, for each class/location, to see how many escaped fish could possibly have come from that location.

agg13 = aggregate(agg12$x, by=agg12[, c("nbp_class"), drop=F], FUN=sum)
N_fish = length(unique(agg12$Id_fish))
agg13 = rbind(agg13, c("All", N_fish))
names(agg13)[2] = "Not_impossible"
agg13$Not_possible = N_fish - as.numeric(agg13[, 2])
##   nbp_class Not_impossible Not_possible
## 1         A             79          182
## 2         D             70          191
## 3         M            111          150
## 4         T            205           56
## 5       All            261            0

This means that up to 79 of the figh may have escaped from location A, etc.

4.2 A different summary

The previous summary avoids putting 0’s. This means that the cutoff is very small and it does not put a 0 unless the p-value is very small. In the following summary we show how to put a lot more 0s. Here we will put 0 if the p-value represents significance at the 0.05 level.

agg22 = NBP_pred_categories(agg, type = "simple_cutoff", cutoff = 0.05)
agg23 = aggregate(agg22$x, by=agg2[, c("nbp_class"), drop=F], FUN=sum)
N_fish = length(unique(agg22$Id_fish))
agg23 = rbind(agg23, c("All", N_fish))
names(agg23)[2] = "Very_possible"
##   nbp_class Very_possible
## 1         A            20
## 2         D            22
## 3         M            39
## 4         T           112
## 5       All           261

This means that 20 fish fit very well with location A. Some of these may fit with several locations, and then it is not immediately clear which location it comes from.

cbind(agg23, agg13[, 2, drop=F])
##   nbp_class Very_possible Not_impossible
## 1         A            20             79
## 2         D            22             70
## 3         M            39            111
## 4         T           112            205
## 5       All           261            261

4.3 Grades

Here we summarise with grades from 1 to 6, where 1 means that it does not fit well at all, and 5/6 means that it fits very well. For details, read the function NBP_pred_categories.

Instead of summarising it, we show fish by fish how well it fits to each location:

agg31 = NBP_pred_categories(agg, type = "Grading1to6_V1")
agg31 = reshape(agg31, direction="wide", idvar=c("Id_fish"), 
names(agg31)[-1] = substr(names(agg31)[-1], 3, 3)

##   Id_fish A D M T
## 1       1 1 3 5 6
## 2       2 2 2 4 5
## 3       3 1 1 1 5
## 4       4 1 1 1 2
## 5       5 1 1 1 1
## 6       6 2 3 3 3

For decision making, we can go through fish by fish, use these grades, and other external information that may be available, to make an informed expert opinion.

If the expert has questions about the grades, pull up the p-values from where it comes. E.g. for fish 2, class T:

is1 = nbp$Id_fish==2 & nbp$nbp_class=="T"
str(nbp[is1, ])
## 'data.frame':    45 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ Id_fish  : num  2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ Id_scale : num  1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ...
##  $ nbp_class: chr  "T" "T" "T" "T" ...
##  $ covariate: chr  "Li7" "Li7" "Li7" "Li7" ...
##  $ p_val    : num  0.152 0.391 0.464 0.749 0.384 ...
##  $ logdens  : num  -0.496 0.165 0.263 0.481 0.152 ...

In this way we can iteratively learn about the grades, the model, and the covariates. We can then improve our understanding, our modelling, and our decision making over time.

5 Cross validation

Here we perform CV with a big for loop. This is to investigate the performance of the three alternate models. One of the alternate models is using the NBP package to do a robust Naive Bayes.

dfas = dfa[!(dfa$Is_escape), ]
all_locs = unique(dfas$Location)
## [1] "D" "A" "M" "T"
n_sim = 100
all.pred.compare = data.frame()

for (i.simulations in 1:n_sim){
  for (true_escape_loc in all_locs) {
    idx = which(dfas$Location==true_escape_loc)
    id.escape = sort(sample(idx, 5))
    ## Create Training set
    dfa_train_cov = dfas[-id.escape, -c(1:4)]
    dfa_train_class = dfas[-id.escape, "Location"]
    ## Create Test set
    dfa_testing = dfas[id.escape, -c(1:4)]
    ## Fit and predict
    nbp = NBP_classify(train_cov = dfa_train_cov,
                       train_class = dfa_train_class,
                       predict_cov = dfa_testing)
    ## Direct aggregation over all
    nbp_agg = NBP_aggregate_p_values(nbp$p_val, by=nbp[, "nbp_class", drop=F])
    pred.NBP = nbp_agg$nbp_class[which.max(nbp_agg$p_val)]
    ## Naive Bayes with robust estimation
    nnb_agg = aggregate(nbp[, "logdens", drop=F], by = nbp[, 2, drop=F], 
                        FUN=sum, na.rm=T)
    # nnb_agg
    pred.NB2 = nnb_agg$nbp_class[which.max(nnb_agg$logdens)]
    if (require(e1071)){
      ## Standard Naive Bayes
      fit.nb=naiveBayes(dfa_train_class~., dfa_train_cov)
      pred.nb.1=predict(fit.nb, dfa_testing)
      tt <- table(pred.nb.1)
      pred.NB1 = names(tt[which.max(tt)])
      all.pred.compare = rbind(all.pred.compare, 
              data.frame(true_escape_loc, pred.NBP, pred.NB2, pred.NB1))

    } else {
      all.pred.compare = rbind(all.pred.compare, 
              data.frame(true_escape_loc, pred.NBP, pred.NB2))

This is the “biggest p-value”, from the NBP package:

table(all.pred.compare[, c(1,2)])
##                pred.NBP
## true_escape_loc   A   D   M   T
##               A 100   0   0   0
##               D   0  89   3   8
##               M   0   7  46  47
##               T   0   0   0 100

This is a robust Naive Bayes from the NBP package:

table(all.pred.compare[, c(1,3)])
##                pred.NB2
## true_escape_loc   A   D   M   T
##               A 100   0   0   0
##               D   0  92   7   1
##               M   0  10  86   4
##               T   2   0   1  97

This is standard Naive Bayes, using the package e1071:

  table(all.pred.compare[, c(1,4)])
##                pred.NB1
## true_escape_loc   A   D   M   T
##               A 100   0   0   0
##               D   0  89  11   0
##               M   0  21  79   0
##               T   4   0   6  90